13 February, 2008

try, try again...

It's been lots of fun, trying to upload pictures onto this blog. I've got a ton of them - but the computer doesn't seem to like the idea of letting me upload them. ??? This is my 7,324th try (well, right around there...) - hopefully I'll get some interesting pics uploaded so you can see our 'home', and the things we keep busy doing!

and....no. Looks like you'll just have to take my word for it, that things here are beautiful, and busy and interesting. We serve an incredibly amazing God, don't we?!

Lots of changes, lots of exciting things happening. I'll tell you all about them when I get the chance!

Please, continue to pray for us. Every day is full, every night, too, actually. Seems like sleep gets thrown in there once in a while, but mostly, I'm always on the go!

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