25 April, 2008

God's incredible blessings

Far too often, I get caught up in living life today, and looking ahead to what will be. A theme that runs thru Scripture is 'remember, remember, remember'. Over and over again, we are called to remember God's greatness, remember His great deeds, the things He has done in the past, the prayers He's answered, and the mighty works of His hand.

So today, I'm lookin' back. Many of the most amazing, precious memories I have are from the past years in Russia. Some of these memories (okay, in one sense or another, all of them) bring pain - they are so near and dear to my heart, I can't help but think of the good things, the hard things, the bad things, and the wonderful things, all in one amazing overwhelming rush of emotion.

I'm good at looking forward - I love thinking of and preparing for what will be. I'm excited about going to work this summer, and college in the fall. I'm excited that *perhaps* I'll be able to go back to Russia for New Years. I'm excited to study the Scriptures. And, yes - most definitely - I'm stoked for the still unknown day when I'll get to return to Russia, long-term.

I'm not so great at looking back. It's just that things are so wonderful and difficult and emotion-filled, and I feel things so deeply, I guess I'm not capable of looking back un-emotionally. Yet as I look back, I see God's hand in everything - do you realize what He's done in my life, in 4 short years? What He's done in the lives of those we love? It's awesome. And what is still yet to come! (there I go looking forward again.... :o) )

Rejoice with me today in God's blessings. He is so worthy of our praise; He is amazing! Here are just a few snapshots of His glory (click on 'em for a bigger picture - they're a lot better bigger):

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