03 January, 2007

On the road again...

Today I had a very incredible e-mail in my box. It stated that our visa applications had been approved to return to Russia, and the visas were granted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm very excited today. :o)

That being the case, I got the plane tickets I'd had my eye on for the past few weeks (that's right, I'm the weird one who always keeps tabs on what tickets are cheap to where...need plane tickets for cheap? I can help!). We fly on the 18th of January, which is a Thursday. We leave PDX late in the evening, and by Sunday afternoon we'll be back in our village, eating soup, drinking tea, and helping prepare banya!!!!!!!!!

God is so great, isn't He?! Rejoice with me in His awesome grace.

Y'know, as I think about what this means to me, I realize how strange it would seem, were you to take God out of this picture. It is only because of Him that I can love this life I'm living, and be too excited to sleep at the prospect of returning to a place most people wouldn't even want to visit for a week! And I am in humble awe that He would allow me to be His ambassador to this little place in Russia.

I don't know what the next year holds, but I know Who holds the next year, and I am content. Come what may, I only pray for the grace to see His glory in all things.

Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for caring. I'm continually overwhelmed by how so many of you have joined with us in prayer!


Lovn'itall! said...

Wow! The Lord is great, isn't He! I just looked at your blog, earlier, today and this wasn't on it. How quickly things change, especially when God wants us somewhere, huh?
I am so blessed that He answered that prayer. I will be keeping you and your mission to these people, in my heart, and praying for you. Sheri

beckyww said...

Loving this blog! Have bookmarked it. Becky www.woodworthfamily.blogdrive.com

beckyww said...

Loving this blog! Have bookmarked it. Becky www.woodworthfamily.blogdrive.com

Rhyne & Jake said...

So glad you have a blog now! I've loved reading your insight to the Russian culture!!

Hope your next year in Russia is wonderful, and I look forward to learning more about our children's culture in you blog!!


votemom said...

thanks for sharing your blog with us from the forum. i left a chunk of my heart in russia, and it's going to be great to check in here and learn more about your ministry.

kate said...

Hi, Jen. Congratulations on your visa! If you're anywhere near St.P, let me know. I'd love to meet up for dinner.

Blessings and travelling mercies to you.

kate http://from-russia.blogspot.com

Shawn and Darren Wild said...

Yes! The Lord is truly awesome and your blog is just another one of His blessings in my life. Your positive attitude and unyielding faith is really helping me stay focused on what's important, instead of dwelling on all the scary "what if's" with IA in Russia right now. I have bookmarked your blog and will check it often, sending prayers your way. Thanks for sharing and safe journeys on the 18th!! God bless!!! Shawn