20 February, 2007

English lessons and Andy Griffith...

This is my friend and English student Lena, and her sister Lera. They're awesome. Lena and I work a few times a week on English, and she's doing great. To help her be able to hear and comprehend what she hears in everyday conversation, we've been watching American TV shows on the computer together...and in my dear Russian friend, I have found a kindred spirit. My favorite TV show of all time is the Andy Griffith Show. When I brought some discs back from the states, Lena quickly became a fan, as well, and now we watch it together and discuss the random usages of words like 'y'all' and 'dy'ant to' (translates: do you want to) and all that good stuff. I never thought I'd be watching Andy Griffith with a 16-year-old Russian high-school student, but hey, wonders never cease! The only problem is, we can't whistle the theme song, 'cause according to Russians, if you whistle in a building, you won't have any money. Oh, well - we still have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.